Saturday, January 25, 2020

Persistence Pays Off!

I am very excited to announce, that one of my artworks has been chosen as set design.  Netflix has a soon to be released, new series call "Southern Comfort".

 The producers chose my horse painting on wood planks, to display in their ranch house set.  I am thrilled that it will be visible in many episodes of the new series.

This is not my first experience with television.  You may have seen these seascapes on Hawaii Five-O or Magnum PI.

or, perhaps the still life below, in the  academy award nominated movie, "Joker".


People have asked, "How do you do this?"  I always give the same answer......persistence!  Since 2009, I have been on Etsy, and that is where I get 99% of my sales.  EVERY DAY, all those years, I have posted new items, advertised, and worked SEO, in an attempt to be found on the net. Some times my many, many hours of work pays off!

Carol Schiff

1 comment:

  1. congratulations Carol, you really have worked hard not only at always improving your art but getting yourself out there. It is not easy. You took it seriously, put in the work and all your effort has paid off. Keep it up.


Ballard Park, Original Oil on Canvas

  I had not painted outside in two years, so this was quite a challenge. It was one of those paintings I had to improve upon in the studio. ...