Monday, April 27, 2020

Mondigliani 2020

Donna Vines

I am doing a water color (my arch nemesis) online class while in isolation.  I have to say it has been a lot of fun and a timely learning experience.  I already new water color was the most unforgiving medium.  It requires a lot of prep, planning and patience my three weakest suits.  I am very sloppy and can get paint on me just looking through a catalog.  I did learn though that there is something very soothing about the 3 P's and yes if I really, really have to I can do it.
For one of our assignments I used the face and shoulders of one of my favorite Mondigliani paintings Cushions.  I love his skin tones and the casual elegance of his women. Part of the assignment was to embellish, enhance or remake the painting in some way.  I had trouble imagining her any other way or with clothes on but I thought maybe I could modernize her.  Make her a very 2020 model. 

Donna Vines after Mondigliani 

Donna Vines after Mondigliani  2020

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