Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Prepping for a new adventure

by Kathy Garvey
I have just started preparing for an exciting month long retreat in the hills of Kentucky. I’m hoping to photo, sketch, paint and Photoshop all of the spring leaves and flowers I encounter. Like Evangeline who seemed to spring unbidden from my pen shortly after a fun stint photographing snails in the Everglades, I have a strange affinity to all things leaves, flowers, snails, birds and bugs.  Can’t wait to get started!

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful adventure Kathy. I hope both you and Evangeline see lots of leaves, flowers, creatures (all small) and create lots of shareable art. We will be thinking of you.


Ballard Park, Original Oil on Canvas

  I had not painted outside in two years, so this was quite a challenge. It was one of those paintings I had to improve upon in the studio. ...