Friday, November 21, 2014

Come Sail Away

Last week Kathy posted some photos of our "chalk" paintings.  That was the day Cindy showed us how to draw on black gesso then paint the drawing, leaving the chalk outline.  After the paint was dry you could wash off the chalk and it left a black outline.
That was a really fun exercise for all of us.  None of us really paint in acrylics that much so it gave us a chance to try a new project with a new medium.  I did little sailboats from a photo Carol Schiff had brought in.  This is what my painting looks like after the chalk has been washed off.  I just love the whimsy that painting in one color and outlining the colors in black creates.  In fact I like it so much I am going to give it to my grandson James for his room.
Donna Vines


1 comment:

Ballard Park, Original Oil on Canvas

  I had not painted outside in two years, so this was quite a challenge. It was one of those paintings I had to improve upon in the studio. ...